IFAS board

The IFAS Board created and operates based on the structure and managemenr concept (principle management scheme) of International Fund for saving the Aral Sea, approved by the Heads of State founders of 28 February 1997 in Almaty, and the Regulations of the Board of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea and the Revision Commission.

The IFAS Board is formed on the proposal of the Governments of the Central Asian States and by the decision of the IFAS President. The Board consists of one representative with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister from each State.

IFAS Board meetings are held at least 2 times a year. The place and date of the events are determined by the President of IFAS.

Main tasks of the IFAS Board:

  1. organization and coordination of the implementation of all regional projects and programs related to the problems of sustainable development in the countries of the Aral Sea basin;
  2. providing assistance and government support to donor countries in the territories of the IFAS founding states, international organizations, legal entities and individuals who have expressed a desire to participate in solving the problems of the Aral Sea;
  3. identification and consideration of short-and long-term priority tasks for improving the environmental and epidemiological situation in the countries of Central Asia and emergency care for the population of the Aral Sea region.
  4. IFAS Board members approve regional programs, budget and financial documents, program and project managers, review and jointly with the Executive Committee make the necessary decisions on current issues that do not require a special decision of IFAS.