The mission of the EC IFAS

Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea is a permanent body of the Fund and is created by the decision of the President of IFAS, is located based on rotation in the country that chairs the IFAS. Two representatives from each founding State are appointed to the IFAS Executive Committee. The management of the Executive Committee is carried out by the Chairman, who is appointed by the President of the Fund in agreement with the Heads of States-founders of IFAS.

The regulations on the IFAS Executive Committee are approved by the decision of the Fund’s President. The main tasks of the IFAS Executive Committee are:

  • ensuring the implementation of decisions of Council of Heads of States-founders, the President and the Board of IFAS on the Aral Sea basin;
  • implementation of programs and projects aimed at solving problems in the Aral Sea basin;
  • coordination of the activities of branches of the Executive Committee, special agencies and assistance funds for improving the socio-ecological situation in the Aral Sea basin, located in the territories of the IFAS founding states;
  • Promoting the work of the Interstate Water Coordination Commission (ICWC) and the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD);
  • expansion of cooperation with‧ international organizations, donor countries, environmental and other funds to intensify activities on environmental protection and rehabilitation of environmentally unfavorable territories.