Meeting in Ashgabat: Enhancing Cooperation for Aral Sea Rescue and Preparing for International Water Forums

Ashgabat, 8 April 2024 – In the framework of the visit to Turkmenistan, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS) Askhat Orazbay had a meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Tangryguly Atahalliyev, who is also a Member of the IFAS Board from the Turkmen side.
During the meeting important aspects of the current activities of IFAS as well as measures aimed at intensifying work to improve the organizational structure and legal framework of the Fund and the implementation of the Action Program to assist the countries of the Aral Sea basin for the period until 2030 (ASBP-4) were reviewed and discussed.
Askhat Orazbay invited the Turkmen side to take part in the Subregional session “Transboundary water cooperation in the Aral Sea basin for a better future” which will be organized by EC IFAS within the framework of the 10th World Water Forum (May 18-24, 2024, Indonesia).
The Chairman of the EC IFAS also focused on the importance of the participation of Central Asian countries in the global event – One Water Summit which upon the initiative of Kazakhstan and France will be held on 23 September 2024 in New York (USA) within the framework of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly.
On 9 April 2024 A.Orazbay held separate meetings with the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Resources of Turkmenistan D. Gendzhiev and the Minister of Environmen Protection of Turkmenistan Ch. Babanyyazov.
During the meetings a wide range of issues regarding the activities of IFAS at the present stage were discussed in detail considering the departmental competencies and authorities of the heads of the mentioned state bodies of Turkmenistan.