10 World Water Forum

May 22, 2024, Bali, Indonesia - within the framework of the 10th World Water Forum, the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea together with the International Water Assessment Center with the support of the World Bank successfully held a subregional session on the topic: “Transboundary water cooperation in the Aral Sea basin for better future."

The purpose of the event was to assist the countries of Central Asia in forming a common vision for the joint use and protection of water resources in a changing climate by developing common approaches and specific actions aimed at implementing the priorities of the Aral Sea basin.
The session was attended by the Minister of Water Resources of Uzbekistan Sh. Khamraev, Chairman of the State Committee for Water Resources of Turkmenistan D. Genjiev, First Vice Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of Kazakhstan B. Bekiyaz, First Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan D. Shoimzoda, Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Indonesia S. Abdikarimov, as well as representatives of the World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other partners.

Chairman of EC IFAS Askhat Orazbay in his speech spoke about IFAS, measures to improve the work of the Fund, the progress of implementation of ASBP-4,
interaction with international partners and plans of EC IFAS for the period of chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A. Orazbay also called on the session participants to cooperate with IFAS in the areas of ecology, socio-economic development of member states and improving the situation in the Aral Sea basin.
Based on the results of the session, final proposals and relevant recommendations will be prepared.