Speech by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at a meeting of the Council of Heads of Founding States of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.

Dear Heads of the Delegations, Presidents, friends!


First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude to the Tajik side and personally to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan esteemed Emomali Sharipovich for the traditional warm welcome and excellent organization of the event.

I also welcome the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Mr. Kakha Imnadze.

Our meeting today has a special symbolic meaning - this year marks 30 years since the establishment of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.

During its existence, the IFAS has become the most important institution for regional cooperation on issues of joint use of transboundary water resources, solving environmental and socio-economic problems in the Aral Sea basin.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the Fund in ensuring security, stability and sustainable development of Central Asia.

Moreover, the IFAS is one of the few successful mechanisms of regional cooperation that demonstrates the subjectivity of Central Asia in the international arena.

Tajikistan’s chairmanship in the Fund and the work of the Executive Committee made a significant contribution to the development of this unique institution and the further deepening of interaction in the region.

During the period of Tajik chairmanship, the process of improving the organizational structure and legal framework of the IFAS was actively conducted.

The Action Program for Assistance to the Countries of the Aral Sea Basin (ASBP-4) and the Regional Environmental Programme for Sustainable Development in Central Asia (REP4SD-CA) were adopted.

All of this contributed to strengthening the organization’s potential and increasing the efficiency of its activities.

In the joint statement adopted following the Fifth Consultative Meeting, we highlighted the importance to continue this work.

It should also be noted the efforts of Tajikistan to increase the image of the Fund on the world stage.

The IFAS Executive Committee took part in major international water conferences, which made it possible to attract a significant amount of donor funds (approximately $655 million) for the implementation of regional and national projects.

For the first time in almost half a century (46 years), the UN Water Conference was held in New York under the co-chairmanship of Tajikistan and the Netherlands.

Undoubtedly, this is a significant event for our region.

From the high rostrum of the UN General Assembly, the united voice of the Central Asian region on the future of the Aral Sea was heard weightily, and the Joint Statement of the Central Asian States was presented.

Kazakhstan highly appreciates the results of Tajikistan’s chairmanship in the IFAS and expects further active participation of the Tajik side and other founding states in the activities of the Fund.


Dear Colleagues!


Today's meeting is intended to give a new impetus to the work of the IFAS, considering the changing environmental situation and new challenges in the Aral Sea basin.

The successful activities of the Fund are of fundamental importance for ensuring sustainable development and prosperity of our region.

The security of Central Asia is threatened by global climate change, the coming period of low water and lack of irrigation water.

According to international experts, temperatures in our region are rising much faster than the global average.

This leads to a reduction of the glacial area, the main source of water in the Aral Sea basin. Their volume has decreased by 30% over the past 50 years.

Analysts estimate that by 2050, droughts in Central Asia could cause damage worth 1.3% of GDP per year, which will lead to the emergence of about 5 million internal “climate” migrants.

We also face problems of inefficient use of water and neglect of environmental consequences.

The degree of regulation of the flow of the two main rivers of our region - the Syrdarya and Amu Darya - is extremely high.

More than 80 reservoirs have been built in their basins, the total volume of which reaches almost 65 cubic kilometres.

Thus, an increase in anthropogenic load, a continuation of extensive environmental management, and an aggravation of various socio-ecological problems are expected.

All of this creates serious risks to regional security. The Kazakh proverb says: “Su – yrystyn kozi” (“Water is a source of well-being”).

I believe that when forming water policy, our states should proceed from the fact that water is a limited natural resource, on which the well-being and sustainable development of the entire region directly depends.

The issue of maximizing water savings through the introduction of digital technologies is an urgent issue. This direction can become the main one in our cooperation on water resources.

In my recent Address I paid special attention to water issues. Upon my instructions, a separate agency has been established in Kazakhstan - the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, which will closely deal with pressing issues in this field.

We look forward to constructive interaction with all our neighbouring states.


Dear Colleagues!


According to the rotation rules, from 1 January 2024, the chairmanship in the IFAS for a three-year period will pass from Tajikistan to Kazakhstan.

In this regard, I would like to share my vision for the further development of the Organization.

FIRST. An important issue remains the speedy completion of the process of improving the organizational structure and legal framework of the IFAS.

The powers and responsibilities of the Board and the Executive Committee of the Fund should be expanded.

It is also proposed to transform the Interstate Coordination Water Commission into the Interstate Water and Energy Commission. These steps would increase the effectiveness of the IFAS.

It is necessary to work out the issue of equal distribution of the IFAS’ working bodies among the member countries and staffing them from among representatives of all Central Asian states.

Considering the ineffective, in our opinion, experience of rotating the location of the IFAS Executive Committee, we believe it would be advisable to place it on a permanent basis in one of the countries in the region.
We suggest Astana in this regard, but this issue can be discussed.

This would avoid downtime between presidencies and strengthen the institutional framework.

All of these measures are designed to help improve the effectiveness of the Fund’s activities, as well as to strengthen its interaction with international partners.

SECOND. Creation of a long-term and sustainable regional cooperation mechanism for the effective use of water and energy resources in Central Asia, taking into account the interests of all countries in the region in the fields of irrigation, hydropower and ecology.

From our point of view. the International Water and Energy Consortium could become such a mechanism.

THIRD. Development of a Work Plan for the implementation of a unified automated system for accounting, monitoring, management and distribution of water resources in the Aral Sea basin.

The implementation of this initiative will ensure transparency of water use in the region and will contribute to strengthening dialogue and friendship between the countries of Central Asia.

Another important initiative is the establishment of a Project Office on Climate Issues of the Central Asian Countries.

This step will allow us to begin developing effective measures to adapt to climate change and mitigate its consequences.

We positively assess Bishkek's participation in the activities of the Working Group on improvement of the Fund.

We hope that the Kyrgyz Republic will resume full membership in the IFAS.

In the future, we will be glad to see the chairmanship of fraternal Kyrgyzstan in the Fund.


Dear Colleagues!


The current summit convincingly proves that only close cooperation, mutually beneficial partnership and respect for each other’s interests can ensure stable development, security and economic self-sufficiency of our region.

I am confident that our meeting will allow us to make timely and consolidated decisions that will further strengthen regional cooperation in the water sector.

I propose to hold the next summit meeting in Kazakhstan in 2026, combining it with the Regional Climate Summit initiated by me under the auspices of the United Nations.

In conclusion, I would like to reaffirm Kazakhstan’s readiness to make every effort to bring the activities of the IFAS to a qualitatively new level.

I am convinced that the active participation of all founding states in the work of the Fund will contribute to the successful resolution of water issues and the further deepening of the regional integration.


Thank you for your attention!